Rangkuman Bahan Un/Unbk Bahasa Inggris Sma/Smk/Ma/Mak: Referensi Soal Dan Pembahasan Per Skl Part-5

Rangkuman Bahan Un/Unbk Bahasa Inggris Sma/Smk/Ma/Mak: Referensi Soal
Dan Pembahasan Per Skl Part-5
Rangkuman Bahan Un/Unbk Bahasa Inggris Sma/Smk/Ma/Mak: Referensi Soal
Dan Pembahasan Per Skl Part-5
Rangkuman Materi UN/UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMA/SMK/MA/MAK: Contoh Soal dan Pembahasan Per SKL Part-5 yakni lanjutan ringkasan ujian nasional b. Inggris bab ke-4 (soal tentang Menentukan Gambaran Umum/ Informasi Tertentu/ Informasi Rinci/ Informasi Tersirat dari Teks Monolog yang Diperdengarkan), dimana bab kelima berisi ringkasan perihal "Menentukan Gambaran Umum Informasi Tertentu, Informasi Tersirat, Informasi Rinci, Rujukan Kata, Makna Kata dalam Teks Fungsional Pendek".

Baca juga:
- 45 Soal Latihan UN/UNBK Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Beserta Jawaban
Contoh Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XII Semester 2 Beserta Jawaban

Berikut ringkasan-nya disertai pola soal dan pembahasan-nya....

5# Menentukan Gambaran Umum Informasi Tertentu,  Informasi Tersirat, Informasi Rinci, Rujukan Kata, Makna Kata dalam Teks Fungsional Pendek

1. Message

Message yakni informasi verbal atau tertulis yang dikirim atau ditunjukkan untuk seseorang alasannya yakni pemberi pesan tidak sanggup bertemu secara pribadi dengan peserta pesan.

Latihan Soal Tipe UN/UNBK B. Inggris 

     I’m going to Amanda Supermarket to get some sugar. Would you like to turn the stove on when you are home? I’ve put some soup there. Just heat it for about 5 minutes and then take it out from the stove before you have dinner.

1. What is the message about?
a. Telling Tom to eat soup
b. Asking Tom to buy some sugar
c. Asking Tom to go to the supermarket
d. Telling Tom to heat the soup
e. Telling Tom to wait for about 5 minutes
Jawaban: D

Dalam pesan ini, terdapat kalimat “ . . . I’ve put some soup there. Just heat it for about 5 minutes . . .” Dengan kata lain, pesan ini meminta Tom untuk memanaskan sup.

2. “I’ve put some soup there.”
What does the underlined word refer to?
a. Home
b. Kitchen
c. The stove
d. The supermarket
e. Amanda Supermarket
Jawaban: C

Kata “there” di sini, merupakan kata pengganti kata benda. Letak kata yang diganti berada berdekatan dengan kata ‘there’ dalam kalimat “would you like to turn the stove on when you are home?” Kata yang berperan sebagai kata benda yakni kata “stove”.

2. Announcement

Teks ini dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk memberi informasi kepada orang lain perihal sesuatu yang terjadi atau akan terjadi. Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam teks announcement adalah:
- Judul atau jenis kejadian dalam teks
- Tanggal atau waktu teks dibuat
- Tempat
- Alamat/ orang yang sanggup dihubungi dalam teks

Latihan Soal Tipe UN/UNBK B. Inggris 


      In accordance with the international security regulations, the following items are never allowed to be taken onto a plane by passengers, either in their carry-on bags or in their checked luggage: weapon, including knives and guns; explosive, including dynamite and fireworks.
     The following items may be placed in checked luggage but not on carry-on bags: tools, including hammers, screwdrivers and wrenches; sports equipment such as golf clubs, baseball bats, skis and ski poles.
     When you pass through the security line, all bags will go through our X-Ray machines and some bags will be manually checked by personnel as well.
    Thanks you for your cooperation. Have a safe and pleasant flight.

1. What is the announcement about?
a. Weapons and explosives
b. Items brought on carry-on bags
c. Welcoming foreign passengers
d. international airport security regulations
e. A warning to passengers from different countries
Jawaban: D

Secara garis besar, pengumuman ini memberitahukan pengumuman kepada para calon penumpang pesawat peraturan perihal barang yang sanggup dibawa ke dalam pesawat. Hal ini sanggup dilihat dalam kalimat “in accordance with the international security regulations, the following items are never allowed to be taken onto a plane by passangers . . .”

2. . . . . can’t be brought onto an airplane.
a. Knives
b. Screwdrivers
c. Ski poles
d. Baseball bats
e. Wrenches
Jawaban: A

Dalam pengumuman ini disebutkan “in accordance with the international security regulations, the following items are never allowed to be taken onto a plane . . . including knives and guns . . .”

3. Advertisement/ Brochure

Pada dasarnya, baik advertisement atau brochure dibentuk dengan tujuan untukmempromosikkan sebuah produk.

Latihan Soal Tipe UN/UNBK B. Inggris 

a. 3-bedroom family home, double garage, New Condition. Large garden. Short walk to city and schools. $74,000.
b. Modern 2-store 6-bedroom home, large living room, separate dining room, 3 bathrooms, basement. Garage, beautiful big garden and swimming pool. Excellent condition. $150,000.
c. Luxury 2-badroom apartement near ocean. Quiet location 45 minutes from city $55,000
d. Attractive 3-bedrooms family home, separate dining room, 2 bathrooms. Opposite bus-stop, 5 minutes from town. Easy to look after (brick, with small garden). $80,000
e. Available immediately. Large 1-bedroom city apartment, fully furnished with quality furnishing. Large living area, dishwasher, refrigerators. $35,000.
f. Attractive 1-bedroom apartement in new building. Only 30 minutes from city centre and 10 minutes from airport. Unifurnished. $29,000

1. The topic of this text is about . . .
a. Greenwood
b. types of homes
c. residences for salev
d. prices of the apartements
e. location of the residences
Jawaban: C

Dalam teks ini, dituliskan harga-harga dari aneka macam macam tipe rumah, lengkap dengan klarifikasi akomodasi rumah tersebut.

2. A home which has a swimming pool is priced at . . . .
a. $29,000
b. $55,000
c. $74,000
d. $80,000
e. $150,000
Jawaban: E
Rumah yang dilengkapi dengan bak renang, hanya rumah b yang dihargai $150,000.

4. Letter/E-mail

Teks ini dibentuk untuk mengirimkan informasi secara tertulis dengan memakai media kertas ataupun media elektronik. Berdasarkan jenisnya, surat sanggup dibagi menjadi surat pribadi dan surat resmi.
a) Surat pribadi (Personal Letter)
surat yang dikirimkan seseorang kepada orang lain atau suatu organisasi/instansi. Isi yang dimuat dalam surat pribadi menyangkut masalah/ kepentingan pribadi. Pada umumnya surat pribadi bersifat informal, misalnya surat undangan ulang tahun dan surat undangan makan malam.

b) Surat Resmi
surat yang dikirimkan baik perseorangan, instansi, maupun organisasi untuk kepentingan resmi, misalnya surat undangan, surat edaran, dan surat pemberitahuan.

Contoh-nya ibarat berikut ini:

Jl. Surikanti 10
Denpasar 21010

July 12, 2012

Lucy Mutiara
Jl. Panglima Polim 2
Jakarta 12983

Dear Lucy
    My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach hotel. Our romm is big and cozy. My room is close to the beach, so I can see a beautifull view of beach.
    This is my second visit to Bali and it is still wonderful. There are many things to see and to do here. The beaches and temples are awesome. The traditional ceremonies are also  interesting.
    So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some T-shirt and hundreds of wooden accessories. My mom bought a beautiful statue and my father bought a large painting. The painting is not only beautiful but also very expensive.
    I will return to Malang next week. I hope to see you again soon.


Latihan Soal Tipe UN/UNBK B. Inggris 

Dave Smith
32 Alberta Way

Dear Dave Smith,
On behalf of your brother, John, and all the people of Alberta, I would like to personally invite you to visit Alberta in 2010 to help brand the province’s Bicentennial year.
A number of activites have been planned in the province throughout the year, and now John would love to have your visit to help mark this important milestone in Alberta’s history.
To help you plan your travel, details of some of the events can be found on our website at www.albertabicentennial.ca, and additional information can be found at Travel Alberta’s website at www.travelalberta.com . I am also enclosing a special gift for you, so when you do visit Alberta, you can celebrate our bicentennial year for learning more about our past at one of Alberta’s museums, historic sites or interpretive centers.
Please come join us as we celebrate our past and imagine our future.

Sincerely your,
Ralph Klein

1. What is the letter mainly about?
a. Important websites
b. A travel plan to Alberta
c. Activities during a celebration
d. An invitation to attend a celebration
e. A celebration of Alberta’s Bicentennial year
Jawaban: D

Dalam teks terdapat kalimat “I would like to personally invite you to . . . “ Oleh alasannya yakni itu, surat ini berisi undangan untuk menghadiri Bicentennial year.

2. “Please come join us as we celebrate our past and imagine our future.” (Paragraph 4)
The sentence above means . . . .
a. to do together and play together
b. to combine together and celebrate it
c. to join together and do something right
d. to marge together and hope to raise the product
e. let’s commemorate the Bicentennial year together
Jawaban: E

Kalimat ini mempunyai arti sebagai sebuah seruan untuk menghadiri suatu acara. Karena surat ini berisi undangan menghadiri Bicentennal year, maka kalimat “Please come join us . . .” yakni kalimat seruan untuk bahu-membahu merayakan Bicentennial year.

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