Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 K13 Wacana Explanation

Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 K13 Wacana Explanation
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 2 K13 Wacana Explanation
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 2 K13 perihal Explanation - Postingan b. Inggris kelas 11 semester genap kurikulum 2013 SMA/MA/SMK/MAK/Sederajat kali ini, diambil dari Bab 4, "Explanation", dengan sub pokok bahasan, soal perihal Explanation Text dan Passive Voice. Selain itu, bahan explanation merupakan lanjutan soal perihal songs about nature dan Analyze the song (Bab 3).

Berikut dibawah soal kurtilas edisi revisi bahasa Inggris kelas xi semester genap perihal explanation text lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

A. Answer the questions by crossing (x) a, b, c, d, or e in front of the right answer!

The following text is for number 1-3!

In many part of the world flood are cause by tropical storms called hurricanes or typhoons. They bring destructive winds of high speed, torrents of the rain, and flooring. When a flood occurs, the destruction to surrounding land can be severe. Whole villages and towns are sometimes swept kept away by water pouring swiftly over the land. Railroad track blocked and uprooted from their beds. Highways are washed away.
When a building caught fire, the firemen pitched in to help battle the blaze. Before the pumps were invented, people formed bucket brigades to fight fires. Standing side by side, they formed a human chain from the fire to nearby well or river. They passed buckets of water from to hand to be poured on the flames.
The damage of the fire did depend a great deal on where it happened. In the country or a small village, only a single house might burn down. But in crowded cities, fire often destroyed whole blocks and neighborhoods before being controlied.
(Soal UN SMA/MA/IPA 2011/2012)

1. What can possibly prevent rivers and lakes from overflowing?
a. An absortbent bed
b. A rocky surrounding
c. A low land
d. A high bank
e. A high road
Answer: d

2. We know from the text that….
a. River can sweep heavy flood
b. People can make money from flood
c. The destruction by flood is always less severe
d. Water flood is absorbed by land
e. Typhoons caused heavy flood
Answer: d

3. We know from the text that ….
a. The pump is the only tool used by fire fighters now
b. The pump helps people to fight fires more efficiently
c. Fires in big cities are always very big
d. People no longer use buckets to control fire
e. Only firemen can control fire in crowded cities
Answer: b

The following text is for number 4 and 5!

Silkworms live for only two or three days after laying eggs. About 36,000 to 50,000 eggs are laid, and there are carefully store at the silkworm farm until they are ready to hatch. The eggs hatch into caterpillars, which feed on mulberry leaves. Soon, the caterpillars are ready to spin their cocoons. Not all caterpillars can spin silk cocoons. Only the caterpillars of a silkworm moth known as ‘Bombyx mari’ can do such spinning. This caterpillar has special glands which secrete liquid silk through its lower lip. The liquid produced later hardens to form tine strands. The caterpillar makes its cocoons using these strands. The threads on the outside of the cocoon are rough, while those inside are soft and smooth. Some fully-spun cocoons are heated. This kills the pupa inside. The cocoons are then put into hot water to loosen the fine threads. Finally, these threads are reeled off the cocoons.
The length of unbroken thread produced by a single cocoon measures about one-and-a-half kilometers. Being twisted together several of these threads make single woven materials.

4. What is the purpose of the text….
a. To persuade readers to buy silk.
b. To put silk into different categories.
c. To entertain readers with the knowledge
d. To present some points of view about silk
e. To describe how silk comes into existence.
Answer: e

5. What is the threads on the outside of the cocoon….
a. Fine
b. Soft
c. Rough
d. Strong
e. Smooth
Answer: c

B. Read the following text and then answer the questions!

How Does Rain Happen?

 Rain is the primary source of fresh water for most areas of the world, providing suitable conditions for diverse ecosystem, as well as water for hydroelectric power plants and crop immigration.

The phenomenon of the rain is actually a water circle. The concept of the water cycle involves the sun heating the Earth’s surface water and causing the surface water to evaporate. The water vapor rises into the Earth’s atmosphere.

The water in the atmosphere cools and condenses into liquid droplets. The droplets grow until they are heavy and fall to the Earth as precipitation which can be in the form of rain or snow.

However, not all rain reaches the surface. Some evaporates while failing through dry air. This is called virga, a phenomenon which is often seen in hot, dry desert regions.

1. What is the primary source of fresh water?
Answer: Rain.

2. What is the terminology to describe the rain process?
Answer: Water cycle.

3. What is the first step of water cycle?
Answer: Evaporation.

4. What is Virga?
Answer: Rain that evaporates before it reach ground.

5. What is precipitation?
Answer: The failing of water from the sky.

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